Python Fundamentals and Application Development Camp

Python is one of the most accessible and most commonly used programming languages in the computer science industry. It's used by absolute beginners and even complete programming masters. In this summer camp course, students will learn the fundamentals of programming principles, and apply these techniques to create their very own robust application and software.


Summer Camp


Python Algorithm

Skill Level


Access the Real World of Programming

Learn basic programming concepts and skills, train logical thinking skills and develop programming mindsets.

Small Programs Can Do Big Things

Python is preferred as a first choice for beginners, mainly because of its simple but powerful features. Students can easily and quickly implement complex functionality with brief code.

A Gateway to High-Tech Innovation

Python's success is not just about the simplicity of its language, but more significantly about its widespread use in leading-edge areas of computer science. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, speech recognition, autonomous driving - you can see Python playing a key role in all of them.

A Good Foundation for High School AP CS Courses

Learning Python is a great introductory foundation for taking the two existing high school AP CS courses. Not only does it satisfy the requirements of AP CS Principles, but it also helps students easily transition to the Java programming language which is required by AP CS A.

Be the Next Successful Young Entrepreneur

Practical hands-on skills are far more important than theoretical knowledge. Every course is designed for students to learn how to turn an idea for a game into a practical reality through hard work. Young little entrepreneurs are developed during these challenges.

Learning Objectives

    Learn today's most popular programming language and develop any application you can imagine!

  • Master the basic syntax of the Python programming language
  • Become familiar with the Python development environment
  • Train a solid programming foundation and develop computer mindsets
  • Be able to independently design and implement common programming algorithms
  • Be able to independently design and develop Python-related course projects

Project Based

Our courses are designed to lead students to build their own startup projects.

Experienced Instructors

Passion for code. Unmatched expertise. Personality that brings interaction and encouragement always.

Aim at Competitions

Beyond learning programming, students are prepared to compete in science fairs, research, and entrepreneurship competitions.

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